I e-mailed the chap who put the site together...tl:dr...he cheated!
He says...

So I used a quite powerful desktop software called VYM (
> https://sourceforge.net/projects/vym/ 
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__sourceforge.net_projects_vym_&d=DwMD-g&c=vV6iYD9FcCg-T4EDRnMWvw&r=NfE_V2-dhkHSFK1pfWckcPPXhMAjQ9bBdfmPf7CBHO0&m=uN5HtOX6-Dh77sgk2UiPI4dr8V8J4vHLuGYFT-DaSJs&s=FcHct1ffRUVpbbvjJrzqPU6oVerj65sQd5twjqd3kmY&e=>)
> to create my disciplinary maps, and I exported them as png background 
> images for tiddlymap. Then, I superimposed separate nodes that can be 
> hovered for the definitions. Additionally, I created two invisible 
> transparent empty nodes at the corners of each maps for the purpose of 
> centering the view. I know it is kind of a makeshift job, but it looks the 
> way I wanted. Of course, it would be great if tiddlymap could auto-align 
> nodes, but I do not think is it possible at the moment, at least in the 
> version I used.

On Monday, 30 September 2019 13:43:46 UTC+1, kat wrote:
> This site <http://atlas-disciplines.unige.ch/#Plato> was created with 
> TiddlyWiki/TiddlyMap, and has a style of map that I would like to emulate.
> Does anyone know how this was done or could be done? I can't seem to get 
> close with the standard TiddlyMap config options.

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