
I suppose this would be part of the answer {{MyTiddler!!text}}
Just need the rest


On Monday, 20 January 2020 09:17:15 UTC, Jon wrote:
> Hi,
> Starting with a longer tiddler, I wanted to extract certain paragraphs and 
> include them under different headings on a summary page.
> I used the text slicer and cut them up based on paragraphs.
> I noticed that the content of the sliced paragraph is included in the 
> caption field - pehaps that's how the following works.
> I then added a field to the sliced tiddler eg. topic: A and topic B for 
> subsequent sliced tiddlers etc.
> Then, in the summary page 
> Topic A:
> <<list-links "[search:topic[A]]">>
> Topic B:
> <<list-links "[search:topic[B]]">>
> This gives the hyperlinked transcluded text of the sliced paragraphs.
> There's no way I could have worked this out but it seems to produce what I 
> want. <<list-links>> is something I had in my crib sheet but I don't know 
> how it works or if something else would be more appropriate.
> As I've just stumbled across it, I just want to check this is a reasonable 
> way of going about things before reproducing this across my wiki.
> Regards
> Jon

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