Great sudgestions! I didn't realize <<currentTiddler>> would show the 
current list stdout, i thought it would always show the title of whatever 
tiddler was being evaluated... good trick. Nice use of use of set as well.


On Tuesday, February 11, 2020 at 4:32:58 PM UTC-8, Jared Lettau wrote:
> I'm trying to get a filter result return without link formatting. 
> Context:
>    - Trying to return the count of tiddlers that match a filter. 
>    - The only operator I know which can do this is the list operator. 
>    - However, list always returns link formatting.
> What's I've considered:
>    - Different operator that doesn't return link formatting - Unable to 
>    locate such an operator.
>    - Vars - Vars either retain formatting, or simply run the list 
>    operation whenever called... either way, a var set to the result of list 
>    operator retains link formatting.
>    - Span - wrap html formatting around list operator - doesn't override 
>    TW formatting.
> Example of the problem: 
>    - (version: 5.1.21)
> Thanks in advance!
> </jared>

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