Damon Pritchett wrote:
> I love this plugin! So far it works very well with all of my custom TOCs, 
> etc. I also love the way it can appear and hide from the left side. I was 
> thinking that this same behavior would be extremely handy for the sidebar 
> as well.

Happy to hear you find LeftBar useful! I just did some (very) quick 
attempts to see what I could do with the regular sidebar but realized it is 
too intricate to get anything going quickly. I'm sure it can be done. 
However, I believe @Ton Gernert has some layout that lets you pop out both 
of the sidebars one at a time, kind of. You might want to look into that. 
I'm afraid I can't remember what it's called. It's pretty old by now, 
certainly older than 5 years. Seek up Ton and ask him.



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