Hello Eric

I've tried to copy/past your example to tiddlywiki.com (in a new tiddler) 
then drag/drop a "json" file into the droppable area , but it didn't work 
with me. what did I miss here?

Thanks in advance

On Monday, March 16, 2020 at 11:12:39 AM UTC+2, Eric Shulman wrote:
> On Monday, March 16, 2020 at 12:52:59 AM UTC-7, Mohammad wrote:
>> This is a nice idea! I will look how we can have customized drop zone! 
>> Like dragging a link from other browser tab, one can quickly create a 
>> bookmark to that page/link somehow a tiddlyclip effect.
> The <$dropzone> widget is intended for triggering an "import" handler.  As 
> noted in the documentation:
> *It sends a WidgetMessage: tm-import-tiddlers carrying a JSON 
> representation of the tiddlers to be imported up through its parents.*
> To implement general purpose drag-and-drop handling, use the <$droppable> 
> widget.
> When something is dropped onto the <$droppable> widget, it automatically 
> sets the <<actionTiddler>> variable to contain the value of what was 
> dropped.  While this is typically used to handle dropping of tiddler titles 
> within a TW document it also works if you drag a link or text from any 
> non-TW browser tab.  The result is that the <<actionTiddler>> value will be 
> the link (or text) that was dragged from the other browser tab.  It is then 
> up to you to define the desired actions="..." parameter for the 
> <$droppable> widget to do what you want with the <<actionTiddler>> value 
> you receive.  Thus, something like this might be used to create a new 
> "bookmark" tiddler containing a dropped link:
> \define make_bookmark() <$action-createtiddler $basetitle="Bookmark" text
> =<<actionTiddler>> />
> <$droppable actions=<<make_bookmark>>> DROP HERE </$droppable>
> enjoy,
> -e

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