Your link was to your local machine, but I used the last link part to 
google for that page.  Worked well and I settled on this code to create a 
new button to open up a clone of my template....

<$button message="tm-new-tiddler" param="TaskTemplate">New Task</$button>

Thanks again!

On Monday, March 30, 2020 at 11:02:20 AM UTC-4, Mark S. wrote:
> I often use the "clone" approach for months before I get around to making 
> a "new thingy" button.
> You can learn about one way to create a new tiddler with pre-filled values 
> here:
> file:///C:/Users/Mark/Downloads/tiddlywiki-5.1.21-with-storage.html#ActionCreateTiddlerWidget
> Note the example button towards the bottom.
> On Monday, March 30, 2020 at 7:55:13 AM UTC-7, David wrote:
>> I am using some cool listWidget code to create a todo list that I'm 
>> really enjoying.  It uses tiddlers as the data source.
>> But creating new todo items requires a few things to make it appear on my 
>> list.  I"m hoping to make it easier to add items. Things I hope to get 
>> pre-filled:
>>    1. Add "Task" tag
>>    2. Add "locationContext" field with empty value
>>    3. Add "priority" field with value of "3"
>> So if you know of a way to create a tiddler that has these values and is 
>> then ready for me to put in the title, I'd love to hear it.
>> Possible work around....
>> I created a "boilerplate" tiddler with all the values set.  I can then 
>> just clone that one and it works pretty well.  But when I'm done entering 
>> my new tiddler, the boilerplate, that I cloned, is there, needing to be 
>> closed.  Is it possible to bring up just that clone with less taps?
>> what I have to do now to use the Clone method:
>>    1. Click the "New" link I have that opens the boilerplate tiddler
>>    2. Type in  the Task's Title
>>    3. Save it
>>    4. Find the boilerplate tiddler, which is now open, and close it.
>> Is it possible to skip opening the boilerplate tiddler and open the 
>> cloned version directly?
>> Thanks, you guys have been great!

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