Hi Jed, thanks for your answer.
I have a php-backend and I already have built a mechanism to upload tiddlers to the server which I posted to this group some time ago. A tiddler altered by the modifier gets an upload-button. But I think I would drown in unimportant uploads if this was the normal saving behaviour ... so that it would be hard to filter what is important. I would like that the users upload when they think it is really ready and till then reduce the risk of loss through the browserstorage-plugin. I think browserstorage is not the ultimate solution but it can be a good short-term-backup.

best wishes Jan
Jan Johannpeter

Am 16.04.2020 um 22:35 schrieb Jed Carty:
I don't know the details of your setup, but we could make a saver that sends 
the students edits to you as the save method. They could have local storage for 
short term unreliable storage and the more persistent save would be having them 
sent to the server in some form you could check on. The specifics depend on 
what type of server backend you are using, but if that setup would be.useful I 
could look into how easy it would be to make.

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