*Announcement*: TOC Generic
*Date*: 2020/05/07
*Release*: 2.0.0


I am pleased to release version 2 of the TOC generic plugin. In this 
version I have included the tranclusion of tiddler content from Davids 
tiddlyBlink version (thank you David), but also in recursive in the TOC. 
Below you can see some of the new features 

   1. button to to toggle transclusion mode. also positioned at the bottom 
   right of the lists (handy if you have long lists
   2. modified and created date is shown in the bottom right corner of 
   transcluded tiddlers (can be turned off in the readme)
   3. the background and text of the transclusion follows the theme (code 
   background) so you can use dark themes

What's the difference between TiddlyBlink and TOC generic you might think?

TiddlyBlink a TW version and is more focused on linking and have a complete 
setup for building a link-centred wiki. The TOC generic plugin can use tags 
as well as links, and are more focused on showing information and 
connections, not editing. TOC generic is a plugin and can be used in any 
wiki with a pre-existing organisation.


v. 2.0.0

   - [New] added transclusion of tiddlers, to the *toc, backlinks, list* 
   and *listed* (also recursive through the toc)(from tiddly blink)
   - [New] added toggle transclusion button at the "references" top and at 
   the end of transcluded *toc, backlinks, list* and *listed*. Also 
   available in the readme 
   - [New] added modified/created date in the bottom right corner of 
   transcluded tiddlers in the lists (toggle in readme)
   - [New] made the transclusion background (grey box) and text, follow the 
   theme (code class). This means you can use dark themes and still read the 
   - [Change] changed settings from radio buttons to checkbox in the readme 

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