Hi Jed / Dave,

Sorry to resurrect this old thread, but its in regard to your code that 
allows a search box to be placed in a tiddler, which is very useful.

I have installed your macro and all works as expected except for the number 
of matches indicator. I'm assuming it takes its value from this filter, but 
either is not updated or the filter is wrong in my context?:

<$set name="resultCount" value="""<$count 

Is this something that could be easily fixed?

Cheers and thanks in advance


On my version of TW5 all works as described (using the macro version from 

On Monday, July 9, 2018 at 10:18:49 AM UTC+1, Jed Carty wrote:
> I made a macro version of this and posted it here: 
> https://www.ooktech.xyz:8443/Public#%24%3A%2Fmacros%2FForums%2FSearchBar
> I am hoping to start using that wiki to put examples made from answers 
> here on the forum. It is on a server running the online version of Bob (I 
> haven't released it yet, I will soon) and hopefully I will be able to give 
> other people editing access to a few public wikis so I won't be the only 
> maintainer of it, if that is ok with the community here.
> Dave,
> I hope it is ok that I used your example, I listed you as the author and 
> linked to this thread as the motivation in the demo tiddler here: 
> https://www.ooktech.xyz:8443/Public#JustSearch

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