Hi Diego,

I have seen exactly same implementation of TW but, only for single-user 
mode. Unfortunately, I can't find it again. 
Does anyone know if it has been removed or, was just an implementation in 
older TW.


On Thursday, December 7, 2017 at 6:16:13 PM UTC-5, Diego Mesa wrote:
> I've recently been thinking about TW and git and had some ideas and 
> thoughts:
> Using git for tiddler revisions:
>    - Overwrite the save method of tiddlers so that when you save a 
>    tiddler, a new commit object is made.
>    - Every tiddler has a "revisions" tab in the info pane, showing 
>    previous versions of that tiddler
> Working with multiple users:
>    - Each tiddler is just a file, so multiple users working on one 
>    tiddlywiki, is really just multiple users working from one repository 
>    consisting of multiple files. 
>    - Everytime TW first loads, it could "pull" the latest changes from a 
>    remote location and ask the user to reconcile any conflicts. Your entire 
> TW 
>    session is then just really just making of a series of commit objects 
>    locally, which can be "pushed" at a later time.  
> On Friday, October 20, 2017 at 3:18:44 PM UTC-5, Rob Hoelz wrote:
>> If you *do* end up using TiddlyWiki with Node and use Git to sync across 
>> machines, one thing to keep in mind is that the node daemon loads all of 
>> the tiddlers into RAM at startup - meaning if you do a pull, the tiddlers 
>> served up won't reflect changes in the repo until you restart the daemon.
>> On Thursday, October 19, 2017 at 12:13:58 PM UTC-5, Derek Mahar wrote:
>>> Thank you all for your suggestions!
>>> On Wednesday, 18 October 2017 21:55:58 UTC-4, jwd wrote:
>>>> It was the issues with git merge conflicts between single TiddlyWiki 
>>>> HTML files that pushed me over the edge to adopting the node.js / single 
>>>> file per tiddler approach and subsequently the TiddlyServer wrapper around 
>>>> that.
>>> I really like TiddlyWiki, but I'm trying to limit to Git and SSH the 
>>> tools that I need to synchronise and share my notes.  (Turns out that I 
>>> don't really need Nginx, afterall, because I don't need HTTP/S.)  I'm 
>>> leaning towards keeping a collection of Markdown notes, the changes to 
>>> which I'll track in a Git repository.
>>> If I were starting with a TW containing a large number of tiddlers, I'd 
>>> most certainly bite the bullet and install Node.js.  However, I'm actually 
>>> starting with a small number of Markdown notes which I store in Turtl on 
>>> Framanotes, old Gnotes, and some notes stored on Google Keep and Evernote.  
>>> My goal is to migrate and consolidate these onto my own FreeBSD NAS using a 
>>> minimum set of tools, preferably limited to ones that I've already 
>>> installed.
>>> Derek

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