Goal: To export individual tiddlers in a format where they can be imported. 

The code below works well, EXCEPT:

   - It exports as HTML, which when imported doesn't get parsed the way 
   importing json or .tid files do. If there's a workaround for importing HTML 
   that would solve.
   - I don't see a way to alter the code to export .tid files.
One idea would be to mashup functionality from $:/core/macros/export, 
however I have been usuccessful in doing so... 

Any help is appreciated. 


\define quotedCurrent() $(currentTiddler)$
\define filename() $(currentTiddler)$.html

 tiddlers to export with this tag: <$edit-text tag="input" width="50"
 placeholder="Tag name" tiddler="$:/temp/myfavtag"/><br/>


<$button>Save the following tiddlers
<$list filter="[tag{$:/temp/myfavtag}]">


<$list filter="[tag{$:/temp/myfavtag}]">

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