I know this is not zettelkasten, but it is collection of knowledge. I 
remember all the great work done by Alberto Molina. It is hard to believe 
that many years have passed since then. But he had to start over several 
times. Tags, type-field, other fields among other things. And how to put 
titles together. It changed from the beginning to the last incarnation, I 
believe it was http://magictabs.tiddlyspot.com/ and 
http://bottomtabs.tiddlyspot.com/ He obviously knew what he wanted and 
created beautiful tiddlywikies. But still not quite satisfied though.
It seems the titles always end up being the object of discussion.

Planning ahead for a life of study is not easy. 
Luhmann found his system and stuck to it.
Really would it be any easier for everyone to take up his system totally 
and analogue, stick to it through life. I Doubt it.


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