3 days into my experience with Stroll, and i am *loving* the enhancements 
to TW5 experience -Backlinks and Renaming automation (to maintain 
integrity) especially- but there is one little aspect of my pre-Stroll 
experience that i'm really missing, and that is the ability to write a 
WikiWord without having that automatically create a new tiddler.  

For me, the WikiWord has been for me in BS (Before Stroll :-) time my quick 
shorthand for a term that deserves its own tiddler, whenever i get around 
to writing it;  in the meantime, it shows up in blue (like a regular link) 
only with italic formatting added.

Now since adopting Stroll, i have quickly ended up with a bunch of tiddlers 
that have no content.  The advantage of this is that these wannabe-tiddlers 
are not just a link buried on some tiddler somewhere; they show up in the 
"Recent' tag, so i can easily retrieve them, IF i'm diligent before close 
of each session to retrieve & write something on them (big IF there :-).  
What can easily happen -especially if i dash off a fair crop of new 
tiddlers- these TBD tiddlers are effectively buried, until i stumble across 
them while Strolling somewhere else.

What i'd *really* like is if at the first invocation of a particular 
WikiWord that has no corresponding tiddler, that would trigger the adding 
of it to a list that resides someplace reserved for this particular 
purpose.  If it is to be a new tiddler, then perhaps that could be tagged 
as a "Draft" or a "Stub" or some such... Something that would get 
filtered-out of the "Recent" list, but rather add it to a special list 
reserved for this special case. 

Dunno if that's a UseCase of relevance to anyone else;  wish i had the 
scripting savvy to be sharing a patch instead of an idea, but alas... 
That's all i got, for now.

Anyhoo Dave: thanks again for the super upgrade!

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