I started with numerous micro-wikis. I had too many edge cases where I had 
difficulty determining if a tiddler belonged in one or another, and started 
finding duplicates with diverging information.

So I decided about a year ago to combine them all. It became a 23 MB file 
(with no images), and takes about 8 seconds to save (too long for me). As 
my coding skills improve I have used tags and lists extensively (such as 
template=IncTemplate/>`) where IncTemplate is a macro I created that places 
the target inside a checkbox.

Thankfully "AdvancedSearch" has a filter tab that lets me export (as JSON) 
a file that quickly populates a new purpose-built wiki. 

In short, I have pendulum swung to both extremes of your question. My 
current state is to have a massive wiki (21MB) and am breaking out smaller 
wikis when I am comfortable that the line of separation is clearly 
demarcated (in my mind) to I do not have to search in more than one 
location. I need to research the plugin mentioned above in this thread...


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