Hi Saq,
thank you! I just checked it out after returning home. Good Idea to add hackability.

Cheers Jan

Am 06.07.2020 um 18:59 schrieb Saq Imtiaz:

I've added the ability to extend the Streams context menu by adding a tiddler, as opposed to editing the context menu tiddler.

The format required can be found here using your flatten as an example:

I plan to eventually also make it possible to add keyboard shortcuts without needing to edit plugin tiddlers.


On Thursday, July 2, 2020 at 4:23:07 PM UTC+2, Jan wrote:

    I made an addon to Saq's
    You can find and test it at *https://szen.io/stream/

    It mainly adds a modal which allows you

    ...to flatten the whole stream or nodes of the stream.

    ...and to rename the Node

    You trigger it...
    ...in the contextmenu

    ...by typing alt+f for flatten while you are in the writingmode of
    the node you want to flatten.

    ...or with the opacity button below (which shall imply "join") to
    flatten the whole stream

    My Addon is a bit wierd because...

    ...it inserts multiple linebreaks to keep the structure

    ...I tried to make it with very few tiddlers, so the code may
    appear somewhat strange

    To use it:

    ...you can choose between ordered and unordered lists and paragraphs.

    ...So if you want to transform your stream to a special structure
    start at the twigs an go back to the trunk.

    ...when flattening branches, all subnodes that follow the generic
    naming-pattern ( and have "/20" in the title ) will be deleted .

    ...so if you want to keep the content in a seperate tiddler rename
    it first.
    ...and as always: backup before Testing it in your Wiki and stream.

      Big thanks to Saq for inventing this great tool.

    best wishes Jan

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