Thanks again TW Tones, for another thoughtful review and encouraging 

>    - If you can "expose" macro's and methods to increase utility and 
>    hackability it is always helpful.
> Yes, currently even without changing any code, the source would benefit 
from refactoring (and documenting).  It's pretty modular (and probably 
should be more modular), especially where it comes to layouts and exposed 
"buttons". Not sure if that's exactly what you mean, but there may also be 
macros that could be used independently.

>    - I would avoid asking that any macro be placed in the tiddler 
>    like <<everything>>, as this forces the use of the text field when its 
>    unnecessary. 
>       - Ideally I would suggest having a field such as object-type with a 
>       value of omnibus
>       - Then a conditional viewTemplate that shows <<everything>> if 
>       object-type[omnibus]
>       - If you do not want to force a tiddler to be only an omnibus you 
>       could look at a simple omnibus= hide/show field
> In a tiddler tagged $:/tags/ViewTemplate
> <$list filter="[all[current]object-type[omnibus]]" variable=nul>
>    <<everything>>
> </$list>
> Then one could have a button in the ViewToolbar to make a tiddler an 
> omnibus
>    - Set object-type field to omnibus
> This would allow the text to have additional content, that displays above 
> the omnibus and the tiddler to serve other functions.
> You're reading my mind here (or rather I've seen some of this go by on the 
Group and I've identified it as interesting but haven't dived in yet). :) 
Thanks for the rundown.

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