Hi Noobie here,

I asked my first question yesterday, I think I can better express it in 
TiddlyWiki terminology.

I would like to be able to create a list of tag-pills such that when I 
click on one the story river is filtered to only show tiddlers that have 
that tag.

The project I have in mind breaks down into two parts.

1. Creation of a tiddler that displays a tag-pill for each of my tags. 
Ideally I would also like to add options to not filter at all and one to 
filter out tiddlers with tag "Journal". 

2. When one of the tag-pills mentioned in 1. is clicked I would like the 
story river to be filtered so as to show only tiddlers that have the 
corresponding tags. I might wish to look at only my journal tiddlers in 
which case I would click the journal tag-pill.

I might be fighting the intended flow of tiddlyWiki here, I note that 
tag-pills when clicked on offer a drop down offering the user a list of all 
corresponding tiddlers which they can then visit if they make a selection. 
In a sense I am trying to create a tiddler where the pull-down is replaced 
conceptually by a filtered story-river - the user then 'chooses' from the 
list presented in the story river rather than from a pull down.  

In my first attempt at asking this question I was talking of "views" but 
now with a little more familiarity I think what I am really asking is... 

how can I filter the story river according to a users choice of a single 
nominated tag?

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