
A few thoughts (I subscribe to ego-less programming 
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egoless_programming> so please don't read 
between the lines of what I say) 

   - When we ask software to do more it takes more. I we may consider node 
   has the advantage of load on demand, where a single file wiki loads 
   everything into memory first, it is not surprising we see such a situation.
   - I have often seen in tiddlywiki so called "performance problems" occur 
   but they are the result of more work not an inherent issue.
   - Tiddlywiki out of the box is doing a lot to maintain connections, 
   currency and interactivity. 
      - So when output is closer to a batch operation it will start to 
      behave as a batch process and have running times.
      - Will the user really need to see a 1000 items at once?
   - I have seen this with SQL, users can ask silly questions (not saying 
   yours is) without knowledge of the underlying database that unnecessarily 
   touches every record and takes hundreds of times longer.
   - Search is one way around this, as is set then generate results
      - The default search not starting until 3 characters are provided is 
      an example of avoiding too big a list.
   - There is a new plugin that may help in some 
   cases https://tiddlywiki.com/prerelease/#Dynaview%20Plugin

I have created a snapshot button to save the result of a complex or large 
tiddler so the computation can be triggered not on opening but on demand, 
would this help your current solution?

In closing 

   - there are a lot of things that can be done in tiddlywiki to improve 
   performance, and it may be as simple as closing the sideBar so it does not 
   refresh of every change.
   - If you had an example I could test on Tiddlywiki.com I (and others) 
   could help improve performance.


On Tuesday, 1 September 2020 05:20:48 UTC+10, talha131 wrote:
> More information 
> I am running TW from nodeJS, which shows this slow behaviour. But the HTML 
> file built from the tiddlers does not have any performance issue.
> So my guess is, *TW running on NodeJS has performance issue*.
> ​

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