I think if you're using store.php the best bet is to follow good TW 
hygiene. Always close your tab after working, and when starting to work 
with an open tab after being away from your machine or device, refresh. If 
it blocks you from refreshing, then check if you have anything that needs 
to be saved and export it as necessary.

Another strategy is have separate TW files for each device. Then drag and 
drop tiddlers that have changed between TW files. 

On Wednesday, September 2, 2020 at 5:49:21 AM UTC-7, Jan wrote:
> Hello, 
> it happend again. Because I have to work on different computers I loose 
> sometimes work by saving form an versions still stored in a Browser on 
> the other computer. 
> The problem occurs using store.php . 
> This problem even grows bigger if someone uses the browserstorage-plugin. 
> In most cases I can retrieve the work from the backup-folder (I am sure 
> not all users can do that.) but this time it was lost bcause I realized 
> the loss some days later :-/ . 
> My love to TW is stable, but for new users this can be anoying. 
> Are there any ideas how to avoid this? 
> Jan 

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