On Friday, September 18, 2020 at 10:52:18 PM UTC-7, danraymond wrote:
> Happy to send to you privately. How to do that?


I got your file (sent privately)... and I've found (and fixed) the problem!

The problem:
As I previously suspected, this line was not working properly in your file:
<$list filter="[<dd>add<first>divide[7]split[.]count[]match[1]]"><br>

This filter checks to see if the current day number <dd> (plus start of 
month offset <first>) is evenly divisible by 7.  It does this by splitting 
the number at the decimal point and then checking to see if there is only 
one part (i.e., an integer value with no fractional remainder).

The reason this doesn't work in your file is that your file has 
$:/plugins/tobibeer/split installed.  This plugin, which was published long 
ago (30th December 2015), defines a custom "split[...]" filter, while the 
TWCore added its own built-in split[...] filter in version 5.1.20 (Released 
9th August 2019).  The difference between these two versions of split[...] 
is that if the filter operand (i.e., a decimal point "[.]") does not exist 
in the input, the TWCore version returns the input unchanged, while 
tobibeer's version returns a blank result.  Thus, when my code uses 
"split[.]count[]match[1]" to check for a whole number, the TWCore version 
yields a count of 1, while tobibeer's version yields a count of 0.

Unfortunately, tobibeer's plugin overrides the built-in version of 
split[...].  As a result, the calendar never detects the "end of week" 
condition, and no <br> is ever output and the entire month is shown in one 
long line, rather than weekly rows.  To correct this, you might try just 
removing tobibeer's plugin, but this could possibly break something else in 
the other custom stuff you've installed if it depends on tobibeer's 
split[...] filter.

In any event, I've updated my code to make it compatible with both the 
TWCore and tobibeer's plugin, by using the following:
<$list filter="[<dd>add<first>divide[7]split[.]count[]!match[2]]"><br>
(i.e., check to see if the calculation *doesn't have 2 parts*, rather than 
checking to see if it *only has 1 part*)

I used this same code pattern in a few places (Calendar, Clocks, and 
Alarms), so I've updated all three of those tiddlers.

The latest revision is now posted at http://TiddlyTools.com/timer.html.  
Please download the fixes and confirm that the calendar display in your 
document now works as its supposed to.


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