I was searching for a free open source e-learning authoring tool. These
days many people look for such tools.
I think Tiddlywiki is one of the best. BUT few people know!!!

* TW supports hyperlinks / tags / TOC  / ...
* TW support rich texts
* TW supports bibliography
* TW supports Latex (KLatex)
* TW supports audio/video/images
* TW has native presentation tool (through plugins like Tiddlyshow or
* TW has commenting system
* TW supports Quiz / Q&As / flash cards
* TW support Todos/tasks/projects
* TW supports .... what TW does not support authoring???

The few things TW has not are: no end user / final apps, no easy to go
documentation and no support for advertising to introduce this tool to
It seems TW is for a group of developers like raw materials to create
different things but rarely a final product.


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