> Dave, done. (Visible, along with other variants with subtle keycap imagery, 
> at the site, https://springerspandrel.github.io/tw/logo-play.html 
> <https://springerspandrel.github.io/tw/logo-play.html>)
> Just one stray thought: I wonder whether strings like 5.1.23 might (in some 
> places) get misread as date tags (May 1 2023, or Jan 5 2023, depending on 
> local conventions) ...
> If so, perhaps having a "v." (as in v.5.1.23) in the logo might help.

Yes I think that’s quite important, and did used to be the case but has lapsed 
recently (see the archive here 
<https://groups.google.com/g/tiddlywiki/c/l47ZZzWdDb8/m/6s0p_3QeCgAJ>). I will 
add it to the rules for the next competition, but in the meantime it’s probably 
a bit too late to make it a constraint for this competition.

Best wishes


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