I can explain what I *think* is happening. In reality, I just keep pounding 
until something works.

When assigning directly via *= *the {{{ code }}} returns a *string* 
formatted to look like a title list. Unfortunately, different runs inside 
are separated by a carriage return. The = assignment truncates after the 
carriage return.

So if you simply try something like this:

tags={{{ [{TaskTemplate!!tags}][<currentTiddler>] }}}  />

Current Tiddler will disappear. So you need the + in order that everything 
will get output as one string with no c/r. 

But if you use +, then you have to do something to every item in the first 
run. You can't just use addsuffix<currentTiddler>, because if you do,
and if the current tiddler has spaces in it's name, the generated string 
will look like each word in the current title is a tag. Thus you need to
add the brackets. This means that internally the current tiddler must be 
appended for every tag in the template, but de-duplication handles that.

On Tuesday, December 15, 2020 at 9:02:25 PM UTC-8 saq.i...@gmail.com wrote:

> Also, I was trying every operator to see if there was an alternative 
>> solution to manually wrapping the title with [[ and ]] using 
>> addprefix/suffix but there doesn't seem to be a replacement for the 
>> $vars/addprefix<left>/addsuffix<right> construction. 
> I am curious, what purpose is that serving here? 

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