There is 1 more truth about "content tiddlers". Some of them should be 
editable, but hidden from most users. We call them "system tiddlers 

They can be found in the Right Sidebar : More : System tab 

have fun!

On Sunday, January 10, 2021 at 3:38:00 PM UTC+1 ludwa6 wrote:

> What you've written here @mario strikes me as such a good & concise 
> summary of what i think it important to know about tiddlers, i am 
> committing it immediately to its own tiddler.  Thanks, man! /walt
> On Sunday, January 10, 2021 at 2:20:37 PM UTC PMario wrote:
>> Hi,
>> TW has 2 types of tiddlers. There are "standard" content tiddlers, which 
>> are created by users. User created content always wins!
>> Then there are so called "shadow" tiddlers. Plugins and the "core" 
>> tiddlers are shadow tiddlers. That means, if you change them "after a 
>> warning" they become content tiddlers. So your changes always win.. 
>> BUT  if you messed something up, you can delete the content tiddler and 
>> the "shadow" tiddler will take over again. So you are pretty safe.
>> If you added a plugin, that doesn't work there is a "safe mode" see: 
>> https://tiddlywiki.com/#SafeMode
>> The ControlPanel : Info tab, has a info named "Overwritten Shadow 
>> tiddlers". ... If you click the "search" icon, you'll get a list of all 
>> shadows, you have changed. So it's easy to find out, what you changed.
>> -mario
>> On Sunday, January 10, 2021 at 2:42:16 PM UTC+1 ludwa6 wrote:
>>> This is good to hear, @Odin -thanks.
>>> Still i wonder what sorts of changes i might make that become important 
>>> to my UX, my workflow, that might later get undone through installation of 
>>> some plugin or TW upgrade... Leaving me to try and figure out how i made 
>>> that change who-knows-how long ago.  
>>> Unreasonable as it is to want guarantees about such things, i can't help 
>>> wishing for some rule(s) of thumb -or guardrails, as it were- to tell what 
>>> sorts of changes are safe to make, and which others could either break 
>>> something important or else get broken in a future upgrade. 
>>> On Sunday, January 10, 2021 at 1:00:41 PM UTC Odin wrote:
>>>> Palettes will persist through version upgrades. In general, backwards 
>>>> compatibility is required with new versions. So if you are changing 
>>>> settings through the control panel it won't lock you out of new updates.
>>>> A palette is just another Tiddler, so it will always be easy to adjust 
>>>> or remove it.
>>>> Op zondag 10 januari 2021 om 13:45:03 UTC+1 schreef ludwa6:
>>>>> Yeah, being ever-afraid of any tweaks that might break something, that 
>>>>> is why i opted for the built-in customisation option over that 
>>>>> CSS-override 
>>>>> solution... But thanks anyway, @makiaea for pointing it out. 
>>>>> AND, speaking of my fear of breakage, a related question for me is, 
>>>>> regarding any styling changes that i apply thru control panel 
>>>>> affordances, 
>>>>> i wonder: can i rest assured that they will persist through any version 
>>>>> upgrades or plugin installs that i might later perform?
>>>>> /walt
>>>>> On Sunday, January 10, 2021 at 12:36:09 PM UTC PMario wrote:
>>>>>> On Sunday, January 10, 2021 at 1:27:16 PM UTC+1 ma...@makiaea.org 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> hi walt, you can use !important in a css override, here are some 
>>>>>>> examples http://makiaea.org/00045/20201205makiaea-anwiki#quiz.css
>>>>>> You should  _not_ use !important ... It's toxic and will cause a lot 
>>>>>> of problems in the long run. With TW you can change almost everything in 
>>>>>> a 
>>>>>> relatively easy way. !important is "brute force"
>>>>>> -m

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