Hi all,

I know this filter is incorrect, as spaces are only allowed in between 
filter runs, not between filter steps:

[!is[system] tag[MyTag]]

However, I haven't been able to figure out what exactly TiddlyWiki *does *when 
you insert a space in between filter steps. There is no error; instead it 
tries to do *something* with the filter you provided. But I can't figure 
out what that is.

In the example above, the output is the same as just "[!is[system]]", so my 
hypothesis was that everything after the space is ignored. But I quickly 
ran across counterexamples, like this one:

[contains:bibliography[xyz] is[tiddler]]

This never returns *any* results, as far as I can tell, even though either 
step alone would return many results.

Is there any clear pattern for what happens, or should I just say that the 
result is undefined <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Undefined_behavior> if 
you put a space there?

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