Hi Mat - confusing? Yes sorry I am don't have a clear overview. 

>>Are you saying you only want to see tiddlers in the story river that are 
of a certain kind? What about, say, the Controlpanel or other system tids?
I take your point - sorry for my unclear explanation, its not laziness but 
more a fairly patchy knowledge 

A while ago someone on this forum kindly provided me with a sidebar tab 
widget  - a tiddler with tag $:/tags/SideBar which I use to filter the 
river story.

I get two  buttons, both filter out system tiddlers. 

the first shows all tiddlers apart from system
the second button only shows journal tiddlers
beneath these I get a list of all of my tags which I can filter the story 
river with. 

All working as desired apart except that I would like to filter out 
tiddlers that are created when I change the colour of an existing tag ( I 
am going to drop the question regards image import I think that might be a 
misconception on my part ).

The code within the tiddler is as follows. 


<$vars limit={{{ [[$:/state/limit]is[tiddler]then{$:/state/limit}else[10]] 

<$range tiddler="$:/state/limit" min="10" max="100" default="10" 
limit: <$text text=<<limit>>/> tiddlers

<div class="tc-tags-wrapper">

<$macrocall $name="tag-pill" tag="All tiddlers" element-tag="$button" 
actions="""<$wikify name="filteredList" text="<$list 
filter='[!is[system]!sort[created]limit<limit>]'><$text text='[['/><$text 
text={{!!title}}/><$text text=']] '/></$list>"><$action-setfield 
$tiddler="$:/StoryList" list=<<filteredList>>/></$wikify>"""/>

<$macrocall $name="tag-pill" tag="Journal" element-tag="$button" 
actions="""<$wikify name="filteredList" text="<$list 
text='[['/><$text text={{!!title}}/><$text text=']] 
'/></$list>"><$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/StoryList" 

<$list filter="[tags[]sort[title]] -Journal" variable="tagItem">
<$macrocall $name="tag-pill" tag=<<tagItem>> element-tag="$button" 
actions="""<$wikify name="filteredList" text="<$list 
text='[['/><$text text={{!!title}}/><$text text=']] 
'/></$list>"><$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/StoryList" 




So I ideally I would like to filter out the tiddlers that are created when 
I change the colour of a tag. 

Thanks - and sorry again - I hope my second attempt is a bit more coherent.


On Thursday, 25 February 2021 at 17:41:22 UTC Mat wrote:

> jonligh...@gmail.com wrote:
>> So adopting a different angle I wondered if anyone knew the best way to 
>> avoid displaying this kind of tiddler on the story river or perhaps having 
>> an optional switch so that they are only displayed when needed?
> "This kind of tiddler" - do you want to hide all tiddlers tagged "foo"? 
> HIde in the story river, but not in the sidebar lists? 
> I would also ideally like to filter out the tiddlers that appear on the 
>> story river when I import an image - for me these are unwanted 'by 
>> products' although I appreciate they are required by tiddlywiki but I would 
>> prefer not to see them on the story river.
> "the tiddlers that appear"? The $:/Import tiddler, or what are you talking 
> about?
>> In every day terms my tiddlers are very similar to wikipedia entries - 
>> text around a subject and graphics, they always include text, I would 
>> prefer to see only these article like tiddlers on the story river. 
> Are you saying you only want to see tiddlers in the story river that are 
> of a certain kind? What about, say, the Controlpanel or other system tids?
> As you can tell, I find your requests highly confusing.
> <:-)

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