Just tried that, that's cool!
Doesn't work in google groups though :(

On Thursday, 4 March 2021 at 07:46:59 UTC TiddlyTweeter wrote:

> Ciao Mat
> Mat wrote:
>> This is (1) almost off topic and (2) way too intricate to do a lot...
> Actually it is very on-topic. Most everyone would at some point want to 
> use TW seamlessly with email. And its possible.
> I personally think we could do a lot more to illustrate and promote 
> "integrations" with email, posting to social networks etc.
> ...but you'll agree it's interesting.
> It is. The method in the video is "insertion" of the content into the 
> browser  "code inspector". 
> Just FYI I use a couple of *other* methods, which I find less techy. 
> The one that works well for HTML email for me is enabled by installing in 
> a browser the "Markdown Here" browser extension 
> <https://markdown-here.com/> (it works fine with straight HTML as well as 
> Markdown). 
> An example result you can see here, where I posted to GG using it (Gmail & 
> GG use the same engine so it works on both) in nice looking HTML ... 
> https://groups.google.com/g/tiddlywiki/c/GHbwtMIrA3I/m/eJyRkqyKAQAJ
> Interesting topic!
> TT

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