While i've learned a lot from some older videos and online docs, and of 
course via this discussion group, i've got to say: i resonate strongly with 
the frustration expressed by a fellow n00b somewhere (maybe in that long 
Roam-envy thread :-) about how fragmentary & scattered are the learning 
resources one needs to gain any considerable degree of TiddlyWiki-savvy. 

So it is that i must send a shout-out @SorenBjornstad for this 
tour-de-force video that he published just a few days ago: Experience 
TiddlyWiki Fluency: Creating a Reading List 
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsdDs7oOLlg>. In fact i haven't even 
finished watching (clocks in at a little over 1hr runtime), it is so 
chock-full of tutorial tips that i had to take a break and write them all 
down... And pay due homage to Soren while i'm at it.  Great service the 
community that you've done here, mate -and moreover: this is *exactly*  
what the TW world needs to transcend the kinda "Cargo Cult" (not my words; 
'twas JeremyR. himself who invoked the term in a recent video) such as it 
is, and break through to the kind of mainstream adoption that it rightly 

PS:  Must also celebrate the book- Grok TiddlyWiki 
<https://groktiddlywiki.com> -which is my other most-valued learning 
resource of late;  in terms of the GUT (Grand Unified Theory) of 
documentation <https://documentation.divio.com/>, it is something of a 
hybrid i would say... But the video falls squarely in the Tutorial quadrant 
of GUT, and is a stellar example of the artform, IMHO. 


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