G'day Ivan,

I really like using TiddlyWiki for public websites, and I have a small 
handful of them.

Recently, I've started experimenting with a standard approach:

   - TiddlyWikis have an added left sidebar meant for 
   "non-technical/reader" usage of a TiddlyWiki (browse like a regular website)
   - by default upon opening, the standard right sidebar is collapsed
   - when the right sidebar is collapsed, all normal TiddlyWiki features 
   become hidden (tiddler titles, toolbars)
   - when the right sidebar is opened for "technical/author/admin" usage of 
   a TiddlyWiki, all normal TiddlyWiki features become unhidden
   - in "non-technical/reader" mode, I organize things so there is never 
   more than one tiddler appearing at any one time, so that a non-technical 
   reader doesn't get lost
      - I make heavy use of DetailsWidget, Modals, and whatever else 
      available so that all content is shown and/or accessed from a single 
I'm refining my standard so that I have a customized "empty.html" as my 
starter for any TiddlyWiki.

To see two working prototypes (each using different plugins for left 
sidebar), check out:  my curriculum vitae, <https://cjveniot.neocities.org/> 
and my "Tifoist" project <https://tifoist.neocities.org/>.

Regardless of your approach to your own website à la TiddlyWiki, you can 
always get help with anything technical via this community.  That said, I 
think you'll always have the best luck getting help with anything somewhat 
narrowly focused and that is quickly answered with either a small code 
sample or a lead to a plugin that might be helpful. Loads of friendly 
people on here to help, but I sense we are not fortunate enough to have the 
luxury of many retirees with plenty of free Tiddlerhood time on their hands.

Of course, even if you have a question that may seem like an overwhelming 
amount of effort for anyone to answer, lob it over !  You may be touching 
upon something wildly interesting that will nab somebody's interest (huge 
fans of TiddlyWiki in this place)!  If you are met with the sound of 
crickets:  break down your post into smaller and focused nuggets, and 
slowly cast each nugget to see how we fishies are bitin' !

Cheers !

On Thursday, March 18, 2021 at 1:16:36 PM UTC-3 IvanPsy wrote:

> Greetings,
> I want to create a public wiki about my professional topics, and I'm 
> looking for the right platform.
> The features I'm looking for my wiki are:
> - easy to manage both on desktop and mobile (iPad, iPhone)
> - easy backlinks, since I'm the only editor
> - nice image and video embedding
> - a way to highlight some pages such as About Me, Contacts, Resources, 
> etc...
> - fast note creation and upgrading both on desktop and mobile: since some 
> notes will be long format and others just atomic notes, a complex creation 
> process would eat too much time (one of the reasons why I'm not considering 
> Wordpress)
> I see many Tiddlywiki users have converted their Tiddlywiki to a website, 
> but how easy is it for a non-Tech guy?
> Of course other wiki suggestions are welcome.

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