Hello everyone; I am a big fan of TiddlyWiki and thought a partial 2-step 
solution would help a few of you.

The problem:
FontAwesome 4 integration with TiddlyMap works well using 
http://tobibeer.github.io/tw/fa/#GettingStarted. FontAwesome 5 splits up 
the font files in 3 (as of v5.14.0 included in the plugin: regular with 
~150 icons, solid with ~1000 icons and brands with ~450 icons). Turns out 
it also uses the same font family name for the regular and solid icons 
(generally a wise choice when "regular" vs "solid" styles are used to 
highlight the selection of an icon, and fine for general TiddlyWiki/web use 
which relies on CSS classes). However, the default font family naming 
convention includes spaces, which appears to be incompatible with vis.js 
(or at least the vis.js packaged with TiddlyMap - I get the sense TiddlyMap 
has not been updated in a while).

A partial & simple working solution:
The following steps will give you access to the ~1000 solid icons in 
TiddlyMap, and the full sets in the rest of TiddlyWiki. 
- install FontAwesome 5 Free for TiddlyWiki here: 
https://thediveo.github.io/TW5FontAwesome/output/fontawesome.html (I 
usually also import the cheatsheet and tiddlers needed for that to work)
- install TiddyMap from here http://tiddlymap.org

- change the font family name at the top AND bottom of 
"$:/plugins/TheDiveO/FontAwesome/fonts/Font Awesome 5 Free Solid.css" 
tiddler to remove the spaces in the font family name:
---> font-family: 'Font Awesome 5 Free'; -> font-family: 

- change the font family name at the bottom of the 
"$:/plugins/felixhayashi/tiddlymap/js/Adapter" shadow tidder to match
(for the curious the unminimized source of this tidder is here: 
---> ... t.icon={shape:"icon",face:"FontAwesome" ... -> 
t.icon={shape:"icon",face:"Font_Awesome_5_Free" (this step requires a 
TiddlyWiki refresh)

- you can now use any solid style icons in your maps by editing the node 
and populating the "FA-icon:" field with the appropriate unicode.
- in addition, if you need brand or regular icons, you can import (drag and 
drop) the SVG-based tiddler from https://fa5-free-svg.tiddlyspot.com and 
use it's tidder name (e.g. $:/images/fa5/brands/apple) in the "TW-icon:" 
field instead.

A more complete solution adding a few fields in the edit node dialog and 
some smarts to set the node icon according to their values, but I have not 
yet figured out how to do that elegantly.

Big thanks to the fine folks who brought us TiddlyWiki, FontAwesome 5 Free 
and TiddlyMap

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