I wanted to check if having space within a dictionary name or an index name 
was a go or a no-go for tw. So I wrote a macro to check it up (BTW, the 
answer is: no, it doesn't matter).

OK, now for what I want to say here, the macro will only print its 
arguments as is and as a wiki link.

\define spaceDemo(dico index)
!!! space demo for "$index$" in "$dico$" [[$dico$]] (not [[$dico$|$index$]])

and now the invocation was

<<spaceDemo dico:"mon autre dico" index:"ma citation">>
<<spaceDemo dico:"mon autre dico" index:"ma-citation">>
<<spaceDemo dico:"mon-autre-dico" index:"ma citation">>
<<spaceDemo dico:"mon-autre-dico" index:"ma-citation">>

and I got what I thought I would get, like

space demo for "ma citation" in "mon autre dico" mon autre dico (not mon 
autre dico)

witg tge first link pointing to "mon autre dico" and the second to "ma 

But then I added two fields within thi tidder calling the macro:
* a "dico" field containing "mon autre dico"
* an "index" field containing "ma citation"

and I called the macro thus:

<<spaceDemo dico:{{!!dico}} index:{{!!index}}>>

and then, surprise!, I got:

space demo for "ma citation" in "mon autre dico" {{!!dico}} (not {{!!dico}})

with the first link to the litteral "{{!dico}}" and the second to 

I would have thought the argument transmitted would have been interpreted 
before calling the macro. And why then this differences of treatment? What 
is the mechanism responsible of this?

Practical interest, BTW: with" [[$arg$]]" you can see 
how really was written the argument "arg" when the macro was called.


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