Hi Shankar

> It sounds like you want the slide macro (http://tiddlywiki.org/wiki/
> Slider) or perhaps the NestedSlidersPlugin from tiddlytools.com.

I hope not to overwhelm you with all the possibilities - however I
will mention a few more options:
Popups, sliders or menus are some of the possible containers for the
<<tiddler>> macro:

If you want a popup there are at least two more to choose from:
1) http://tw.lewcid.org/#PopupMacroDocs and Tobias' mod:
2) http://tw.lewcid.org/#AnnotationsPlugin and Tobias' mod:

Wolfgang has extended Eric's NestedSlidersPlugins functionality, in
his http://menuflex.tiddlyspot.com. He uses 
which he also showcases in his menuflexdocument..

Regards Måns Mårtensson

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