Here's a solution using sortsub, which sorts based on a key obtained by 
running a filter against each input item.  This assumes your prefixes are 
separated from the rest of the tiddler title by a space. If not, you may 
have to change the split character or get a bit more creative:

\define myfilt() [all[current]split[ ]first[]match[SP]then[010] 
[all[current]split[ ]first[]match[SC]then[020]] [all[current]split[ 

<<list-links "[tag[yourtag]sortsub<myfilt>]">>

The subfilter in myfilt uses a series of runs to convert each prefix into a 
numerical value which sorts in the order you want. You can add as many 
steps to the filter as you need to handle all your prefixes. Any items that 
don't have a prefix listed in the filter will get no sort key and so show 
up at the top of the list.

I am sure you could get creative and figure out how to store the mapping in 
a data tiddler and dynamically build the filter, but I'll let someone else 
figure that out if they're so inclined.

On Monday, May 3, 2021 at 8:05:12 AM UTC-5 PMario wrote:

> On Monday, May 3, 2021 at 11:48:41 AM UTC+2 Max Rozeman wrote:
>> Well it looks like this isn't as simple as I had hoped. Maybe what I need 
>> is a macro, but that's a skill I've yet to learn. For the time being then 
>> I'll just have to sort my titles the easy and messy way by adding prefixes 
>> to my prefixes.
> You are right. My code doesn't work as expected. ... I did very poor 
> testing, so it looked like it would have worked. ... :/ Sorry for that. 
> But the sortby operator needs "matching titles" it doesn't use regexp 
> matches internally, which would have been needed for your usecase. 
> So imo there won't be a "out of the box" solution. ... At least I don't 
> know it. 
> -mario

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