Just looking at discourse home page it's free but the minimum hosting is 
$100 a month and they also do free free for open source projects. We is 
open source. Can we has free? 
I'm a little confused about what's free and what's worth $100 a month. 

On Sunday, 30 May 2021 at 12:15:07 UTC+1 PMario wrote:

> On Sunday, May 30, 2021 at 10:04:26 AM UTC+2 TiddlyTweeter wrote:
> In past discussions, some quite passionate (I wish I could QUOTE from 
>> them, but OF COURSE* I can't find them!  *Lol -:), led to a number of 
>> initiatives.
>> The most significant long-lasting one being TiddlyWiki on REDDIT, still 
>> run by Riz, https://www.reddit.com/r/TiddlyWiki5/
> I'm sorry to say but for me the UI there is even worse than the UI here. 
> ... And reading threads on other groups at /r/ the "tone" of many posts 
> isn't welcoming. eg: A common answer is: "This has been answered already", 
> go search for it. 
> I think, this is a strength here in the group, that questions are 
> answered, even if they have been asked in a slightly different way. ... At 
> least we post a link or two. ... I think this is much more welcoming, than "
> RTFM <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RTFM>" ...
>> It is terrible on Search. 
> That's right. ... Most of the time, I have to search for my own name to 
> find threads, where I replied to :/. ... Or I have to filter for "stars". I 
> do "star" every answer or thread, that I think may be interesting in the 
> future for me. .. 
>> Upvote does not exist. 
> What is this needed for? -- I personally think this is discriminating. Why 
> should my answer be worth more or have a higher "counter" than an answer 
> from someone else? ... 
> On an other platform, that starts with "s" and ends wit "overflow" the 
> best answers for me are usually near the middle or the end of the list. ... 
> Because most of the time, my problem isn't 100% the same to the OT but 
> similar enough to find useful hints. ... 
> Why should I risk to answer a question, where I'm not 100% sure if I do 
> get upvotes. ... Why should I risk to get "downvoted" for a "wrong" answer, 
> just because I didn't understand the OT right.
> --------------
> I would be OK if the original author _only_ has the possibility to "mark 
> an answer" as "This answer made it work for me" .. OR a general "I found a 
> solution. Thanks for helping me out"
> Tagging posts proved to be not adequate here.
> That's right.
> just my thoughts.
> mario

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