I've been into toying with run prefixes for my filters, to see what I can 
now do with them.

I've been able to have an equivalent of "if not A then B" but I've not been 
able to get "if A then B". the + or :and prefix is not a logical AND at all 
but just a way to replace all currents stuff in the pipe with new contents.

Part of the problem is I can't produce NOT A. I mean, see this example:

cobalt great gaz :filter[split[]match[r]] 
+[!is[blank]then[]else["great" void]]

cobalt fox gaz :filter[split[]match[r]] 
+[!is[blank]then[]else["fox" void]]

The only output is "fox" void. I expected that the first filter output be 

As a kind of check with

cobalt great gaz :filter[split[]match[r]] 

cobalt fox gaz :filter[split[]match[r]] 

the output is
which is totally what we thought we should have.

The same also happens with

cobalt great gaz :filter[split[]match[r]]

cobalt fox gaz :filter[split[]match[r]]

Again, that's OK. Maybe that's because [] is not a blank input? But 

{{{ [[]] +[!is[blank]then[Full]else[Empty]] }}}

does indeed output Empty as expected so I'm really confused now...

BTW, in real life, in "if A then B" my B is not a constant, in which case I 
would have used [A]!is[blank]then[B] but a complex run. I know I can have a 
function or variable as my B to get around the difficulty, but that is not 
what I want to do here.


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