Just realized the search filter should probably be more like this: 

On Wednesday, 16 June 2021 at 15:27:16 UTC+1 Si wrote:

> Hi David,
> I've been planning to do something similar in my own wiki. I can't think 
> of a way to do it with a single filter expression, but here is a very 
> clunky approach:
> <$list filter="[tag<currentTiddler>] [tag{!!draft.of}]" 
> variable=tagged-tiddler>
>     <$vars search-term={{{ [<tagged-tiddler>addprefix[{{]addsuffix[}}]] 
> }}}>
>         <$list filter="[<currentTiddler>!search<search-term>]">
>             <$link to=<<tagged-tiddler>>><<tagged-tiddler>></$link>
>             <br>
>         </$list>
>     </$vars>
> </$list>
> This should work in both edit and view mode, but you can easily simplify 
> the first filter expression if you only need it to work in edit mode.
> There's probably a more elegant approach out there but this seems to work.
> On Tuesday, 15 June 2021 at 15:36:39 UTC+1 David Gifford wrote:
>> Hi all
>> I need another list filter:
>> ...minus any tiddlers transcluded in the" current tiddler.
>> Use case: I plan to use transclusions to build long "article" tiddlers, 
>> with section headers and specific ordering of the transclusions. But as I 
>> take notes, I want to tag note tiddlers with the article(s) they will be 
>> transcluded in. 
>> So in edit template, I want a list at the bottom of the tiddlers tagged 
>> to the current tiddler [all[current]tagging[]], minus the tiddlers I have 
>> already transcluded in the current tiddler. That way I can see which 
>> tiddlers still need transcluding.
>> Thanks for any help with this. It doesn't look very straightforward. 
>> There doesn't seem to be a way to do -[all[current]transcluding[]] yet. 
>> Maybe in 5.1.25?
>> Blessings,

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