Hi Alan

If you copy all the code into a tiddler titled: TypeButton you'll get
a button to create new tiddlers with an iframe with a new typewith.me
All the code is just to show proof of concept on creating original
titles (time and date stamp) + username to be used as url-suffix for a
typewith.me document in an iframe.

Quick explanation of Typewith.me here:

If you don't use Eric Shulmans NestedSlidersPlugin - you should omit
*@@position:relative;+++^10e...@[+]...* and *===@@"* from the code..

Regards Måns Mårtensson

On 25 Mar., 15:48, AlanBCohen <alanbco...@gmail.com> wrote:
> As someone without much Javascript knowledge, reading this is far from
> my skills.  Can you please describe what you are trying to accomplish
> with this.
> Alan

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