Hi Dave,

I create a   <http://gsd5.tiddlyspot.com/>plugin Fising 
<https://oflg.github.io/fishing/> , a  plugin fishing tiddly with Anki 
<https://github.com/ankitects/anki> algorithm. 
Github repository : https://github.com/oflg/fishing.
Demo site oflg.github.io/fishing/

在2018年2月7日星期三 UTC+8 上午10:24:27<David Gifford> 写道:

> Hi all
> Tonight I finished going through the existing sites I know about and 
> adding entries to the TiddlyWiki Toolmap (
> https://dynalist.io/d/zUP-nIWu2FFoXH-oM7L7d9DM). Thank you, Jesus! Just 
> over 500 entries. From here on out it will just be a matter of maintaining 
> it. That seems to be the hard part: some of the sites I consulted had dead 
> links or hadn't been updated in a long time.
> *You can help me: *
> Please contact me either by replying to this thread or emailing me 
> directly at dgif...@crcna.org if:
> 1) you find items that are missing and ought to be on that list.
> 2) you find information that needs correcting - dead links, items that 
> would be better placed in a different category, items that need better 
> descriptions, etc (Josiah aka TiddlyTweeter has been helping me a lot with 
> this - thanks a bunch!)
> 3) you create a plugin, macro, theme, or adaptation of TiddlyWiki 5 that 
> you would like included. For example, since I started the toolmap, I have 
> been adding items I find here, like the new MyMenus. If you can tell me 
> what category it should go under, even better.
> *Two other favors I ask:*
> 1) Maybe the powers that be can pin this thread at the top of the Google 
> group as a reminder?
> 2) If you create a plugin, macro, theme, or adaptation, put something like 
> "Presenting" or "Introducing" or "New plugin" at the beginning of the 
> discussion thread, to clearly mark it so I will spot it when I check the 
> Google group, which I tend to do every 2-3 days.
> Thanks in advance for your help. Now go play with TiddlyWiki and come up 
> with some cool new stuff!
> Blessings,
> Dave Gifford

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