Hi everyone

I have rebooted the Subsume plugin rather than updating it. 

The good news is that it now includes a way to have a subsume with an edit 
button. I like this way better than the regular subsumes with links.

The bad news is that the integration with the relink plugin was causing me 
problems, making the installation process more convoluted, and potentially 
causing problems for users for the future. So I removed the relink-related 
tiddlers, and also made integration with the edit-comptext plugin an 
optional feature, with new instructions. 

This is the best I can do with this. My apologies for any inconveniences to 
anyone who uses Subsume and likes the the relink feature. And my thanks to 
flibbles for catching part of the problem, after which I found other 
complications as well.

Blessings, Dave

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