Hello Everyone,

For those interested, I've developed a JS library that I hope will open-up 
the TW plugin landscape for commands, verbally-powered TW, "smarter" 
suggestions, etc. the tool, found 
at https://github.com/flancast90/TW-Sounds, was built by me primarily for 
BurningTreeC and I's Speech-to-Text Plugin, but, of course can be used by 
anyone, granted they have some programming experience, and the need.

*What Makes Tw-Sounds Special?*
It's not a TW plugin, macro, or any other "importable" TW tool, so I can 
imagine this tool seems a bit underwhelming. This library, however, which 
I'm mainly presenting to any programmer/dev who is interested, makes 
audio-dealing and audio-analysis in (and out) of TW much easier.

*What Does It Actually Do, and How Does It Work?*
TW-Sounds takes a word as input, and maps it to a variety of 
similar-sounding words. For audio-analysis (such as in the Speech-to-Text 
plugin), that means we can try and understand a variety of spoken words, 
and interpret them (perhaps you said tiddler, but the program understands 
toddler. TW-Sounds takes this into account and assumes you were trying to 
say tiddler, thus executing the "tiddler" command)

This is just the tip of the iceberg, the base JS powering TW-Sounds that I 
wrote can be easily modified to accommodate text-suggestions, autocorrect 
options, and millions of other things!

If you appreciate my research, drop a star at the repo 
(https://github.com/flancast90/TW-Sounds); The repo, it's code, and it's 
ideas are all licensed to me, and to the entire TW Community :)

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