I also really dig the `includeWikis` setting, there's a lot possible with 
this type of "whole wiki transclusion".

One thing to note is that this feature was originally developed to allow 
Jeremy to have 2 different folders for specific editions.

For example, the `tw5.com` and `tw5.com-server` editions. The `-server` 
edition is setup as:

"description": "Server configuration of the tw5.com edition",
"plugins": [
"themes": [
"includeWikis": [
"config": {
"default-tiddler-location": "../tw5.com/tiddlers"

That "default-tiddler-location" setting is important, and it also interacts 
with the `*retain-original-tiddler-path*` setting in the `tw5.com` 
tiddlywiki.info file:

"config": {
"retain-original-tiddler-path": true


Joshua Fontany

On Tuesday, August 17, 2021 at 6:25:03 AM UTC-7 cj.v...@gmail.com wrote:

> Boys o' boys, I really like the includeWikis 
> <https://tiddlywiki.com/static/tiddlywiki.info%2520Files.html> thing for 
> node.js TiddlyWikis.  I am an organization fiend, and includeWikis rocks.
> The only problem I've found is a need for a wee heads-up in the 
> documentation.  Maybe a conversation here can fill the gap.
> Scenario: 
>    - TiddlyWiki A is meant to be included in other TiddlyWikis
>    - TiddlyWiki B is setup to include TiddlyWiki A
> When I first started up and visited TiddlyWiki B after configuring its 
> tiddlywiki.info to include TiddlyWiki A, I immediately noticed that 
> TiddlyWiki B had the title for TiddlyWiki A.
> Changing the title for TiddlyWiki B wound up changing the title for 
> TiddlyWiki A, because TiddlyWiki B is including all the tiddlers from 
> TiddlyWiki A.
> So I:
>    - reverted the title on TiddlyWiki A
>    - modified TiddlyWiki B's tiddlywiki.info to not include TiddlyWiki A
>    - started up, visited, and altered TiddlyWiki B's title
>    - modified TiddlyWiki B's tiddlywiki.info to again include TiddlyWiki A
>    - stopped, restarted, and visited TiddlyWiki B, and all was well 
>    title-wise
> When setting up a TiddlyWiki on node.js, configure everything that will be 
> unique to that tiddlywiki before including other TiddlyWikis.
> If any configuration of TiddlyWiki B needs to happen after having included 
> TiddlyWiki A, best to follow the steps in the bulleted list above.
> Please note: there is no problem here.  Nothing that needs to be fixed.  I 
> believe all of that is A-1.  It is just an "admin" process, and folk should 
> have an awareness of it.

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