Try using advanced search to find where this content is found in the wiki, 
look at the tiddlers containing this and see if it has tags it should not.

The tiddler may have a tag such as  SystemTag: $:/tags/BelowStory 
<>, remove 
this to see if its fixed, if not re tag it and keep looking.

I expect a tiddler is broken or corrupt. 

On Saturday, 21 August 2021 at 15:02:59 UTC+10 Sandip Deshmukh wrote:

> I have a plain vanilla tiddlywiki with a couple of tiddlers.
> I copied this on my Android smartphone. And opened it with tiddloid.
> All went well till I was only viewing the tiddlers.
> But after I edited/ added new tiddlers, some html markup strings started 
> appearing at the very end. They are not part of any tiddler. And they 
> continue to show even after I close all the tiddlers and hide the sidebar.
> I copied the wiki back to my desktop and opened it with TiddlyDesktop. The 
> html markup strings continue to appear and behave the same way. I can 
> select them, copy them but can not delete them.
> There seems to be no problem with the wiki otherwise ---  I can open 
> tiddlers, edit tiddlers, etc.
> Here is what the text looks like:
> $tw.browser && !$tw.node) { $tw.passwordPrompt = new 
> $tw.utils.PasswordPrompt(); } // Preload any encrypted tiddlers 
> $tw.boot.decryptEncryptedTiddlers(function() { // Startup 
> $tw.boot.startup({callback: callback}); }); }; /////////////////////////// 
> Autoboot in the browser if($tw.browser && !$tw.boot.suppressBoot) { 
> $tw.boot.boot(); } return $tw; }); if(typeof(exports) !== "undefined") { 
> exports.TiddlyWiki = _boot; } else { _boot(window.$tw); } { 
> $tw.boot.boot(); } return $tw; }); if(typeof(exports) !== "undefined") { 
> exports.TiddlyWiki = _boot; } else { _boot(window.$tw); }
> How do I get rid of this annoyance?

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