Agreed, for all its faults, I find GG easier to use, and would like the 
group here to remain active. TT is just fussy and annoying.

On Monday, September 13, 2021 at 12:58:14 AM UTC+10 wrote:

> I gave TiddlyTalk a go, and it is like death by a million cuts, 
> cognitively speaking.
> Too many design issues with TiddlyTalk for me to operate with it.
> The design of GG, for all of its warts, works for me because of lack of 
> features, because of the simplicity.
> So I just have to manage sensory/cognitive overload and over-stimulation 
> from: number of discussions, number of participants/members, number of 
> forks within one conversation.
> GG feels very much like Gmail, so there isn't much, if any, of a 
> transition from one to the other.  Continuous transitions in how to 
> think/work/anything, that gets pretty nerve-wracking and exhausting.
> So if there is no cost/burden/inconveniences to the current integration of 
> the two forums, please keep this GG around.  (Worst-case deal, I can create 
> my own GG as a place to share code/videos when it is time to pull the plug 
> on this GG.)
> I really don't think TiddlyTalk can be modified to accommodate me, and I 
> don't think it should be modified to accommodate me.  I believe TiddlyTalk 
> is best for the community as-is.
> Besides, trying to explain every little thing that is challenging to me, 
> and why it is challenging to me, that is way too overwhelming (more to 
> think about, more to somehow communicate, ...).  And depressing.

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