Another technique is to use the “split” operator to split the string by the 

\define count-words(title,word)
<$text text={{{ [<__title__>get[text]split<__word__>count[]subtract[1]] }}}/>

<<count-words "HelloThere" "the">>

Using the splitregexp operator instead allows would allow splitting case 
insensitively, which might be more useful.

Best wishes


> On 23 Sep 2021, at 15:37, Jean-Pierre Rivière <> 
> wrote:
> Here it is.
> ```
> \define count-word(word, tid)
> {{{ 
> [[$tid$]get[text]search-replace:gi:regexp[\b$word$\b],[þ]dump:v[first]search-replace:g:regexp<but>,[]dump:v[final]length[]]
>  }}}
> \end
> <<count-word foo "bar tiddler tittle">>
> ```
> I use a char that should never be within the tiddler, þ in my example. You 
> can use another rare character is old English is concerned! I replace every 
> occurrence of the word with it, then remove any other character then count 
> the length of the result. If you want case sensitive search, just omit the 
> `i` flag in the first `search-replace`.
> Le mercredi 22 septembre 2021 à 15:14:55 UTC+2, a 
> écrit :
> Hi ,
> is there a way to count the number of occurrences of a specific word in a 
> tiddler
> I have serached , but could only find a plugin that counts the total number 
> of words, or total number characters.
> -- 
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