messages travel up the widget tree, and the navigation widget is down the 
tree from the rootwidget so it will not get the navigation message posted 
at the rootwidget.

On Sunday, July 10, 2022 at 4:01:50 PM UTC+2 wrote:

> Assuming you want to open the tiddler in the default story river, try this:
> let actions='<$navigator story="$:/StoryList" history="$:/HistoryList">
> <$action-navigate $to="TiddlerNameHere"/>
> </$navigator>
> '
> window.parent.$tw.rootWidget.invokeActionString(actions,this)
> On Sunday, July 10, 2022 at 3:29:53 PM UTC+2 andrewg_oz wrote:
>> Thanks for your suggestions. Unfortunately, I left out some important 
>> details in my OP and so I'm still trying things.
>> The Google Charts are generated in an iframe, which is where the 
>> selection handler is. It means the handler is not in the context of the 
>> widget/macro, so 'this' isn't meaningful.
>> I can access 'window.parent.$tw' and I've seen code fragments that make 
>> it look like I should be able to do the following:
>> window.parent.$tw.rootWidget.dispatchEvent( { type:'tm-navigate', 
>> navigateTo: 'Tiddler Name Here' } );
>> Nothing happens.
>> I've tried a couple of other event properties too: setting 'param' the 
>> same as 'navigateTo', and setting 'navigateFromTitle' to the name of the 
>> tiddler hosting the macro call. Nothing for those either. Not even error 
>> messages in the console.
>> Thanks again for your help. Hoping you or anyone else might have some new 
>> ideas...
>> On Sunday, 10 July 2022 at 2:13:06 am UTC+8 BJ wrote:
>>> or maybe
>>> this.dispatchEvent({type: "tm-navigate", navigateTo:tids[i]});
>>> On Saturday, July 9, 2022 at 4:12:28 PM UTC+2 BJ wrote:
>>>> from within a widget/macro use
>>>> this.caller.dispatchEvent({type: "tm-navigate", navigateTo:tids[i]});
>>>> On Saturday, July 9, 2022 at 9:30:01 AM UTC+2 andrewg_oz wrote:
>>>>> I've recently been experimenting with using Google Charts in 
>>>>> TiddlyWiki. It's going quite well (see my other thread), but I can't work 
>>>>> out how to open a tiddler in javascript (i.e. the Google Chart selection 
>>>>> handler) without using window.location = '#' + tiddlerNameHere;
>>>>> That works, but sets the address bar and looks ugly. I'm sure there's 
>>>>> a better way.
>>>>> Can anyone help?

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