The BASIC Anywhere Machine User Guide and Programming Reference 
<> by 
default displays a customised interface that hides the natural TiddlyWiki 

When working on the BAM documentation in the natural interface, I need easy 
access links to anything I see so that I can quickly edit it.

So this requires links that show when in the natural interface, and links 
that hide when in the custom interface.

*The following in the custom interface*
[image: Screenshot 2023-04-01 9.15.53 PM.png]
l*ooks like this in the natural interface:*
[image: Screenshot 2023-04-01 9.14.52 PM.png]
So I can design and test the interface in the natural interface as it would 
look in the custom interface, but with the addition of the tiddler (fish) 
emoji, so that when I select a subject, I can quickly go to the related 
tiddler for editing.

To create the fishy link:
{{{ [[$:/temp/currently_showing]get[book]] || fLx }}}
The tiddler ```$:/temp/currently_showing``` (```book``` field) holds the 
selection of "Subject".

```fLx``` is a template tiddler.  It has

<span style="white-space:nowrap;">^^
<$list filter="[[$:/state/sidebar]get[text]]+[match[yes]] 
[<currentTiddler>] +[replace[yes]]">
<$link to={{!!title}}  tooltip={{{ [<currentTiddler>addprefix[Open 
]addsuffix[ Tiddler]] }}}><span 
style="background-color:white;">🐟</span></$link></$list>^^ </span>

The fishy link only shows when the TW sidebar is showing.  So the benefit 
of two things for the price of one (reduce, reuse, recycle!):  the sidebar 
is hidden when in the custom interface, and I can see exactly how a tiddler 
will look in the custom interface without leaving the natural interface by 
hiding the sidebar.

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