On May 27, 10:53 pm, Eric Shulman <elsdes...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I think it should be reasonable easy to hook the necessary logic into
> the 'onclick' handler for the tiddler link... gimme a bit to look into
> it and I might have a quick code-based solution for you....
> -e
> Eric Shulman
> TiddlyTools / ELS Design Studios

Eric, thanks for your gracious response and offer.

What I had in mind for the 'onclick' handler was, when I click on

if( "MyTiddlerLink" tiddler exists )
   open the tiddler;  // This is the current default behavior

else if( "MyTiddlerLink" does not exist  && "MyTiddlerLink" is a tag )
   execute:  <<tagging 'MyTiddlerLink'>>;  // this is new
   Create the tiddler with the message "The tiddler 'MyTiddlerLink'
does not exist.  Double-click to create
it".                         // THis is the current default behavior


Cheers; 'best,

shankar swamy

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