I'm not sure, but have you tried doubleQuotes instead of single

<<clickify newTiddler title:{{prompt("enter a title","Anonymous
Notes")}} tag: "aaTag" text:"{{c1{Title:


{{c2{Main Idea:



On Sep 13, 2:41 am, Shankar <shankar.sw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a tiddler that contains the following contents:
> <<clickify newTiddler title:{{prompt('enter a title','Anonymous
> Notes')}} tag: 'aaTag' text:'{{c1{Title:
> }}}
> {{c2{Main Idea:
> }}}
> '>>
> When I click on the tiddler, I would like a tiddler with the name
> entered to the prompt to be created with the text exactly as shown
> above with line breaks etc.
> I am getting an error in the macro.  "clickify" probably does not like
> the contents split into lines as I have done.
> Could someone suggest a work around please!
> Thanks for your help.
> Cheers; 'best,
> shankar swamy

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