I deleted the contents of ColorPallete but it my page went all white
and it did not pick up the colors from tbTheme. Infact it also lost
some of the layout on the right side bar(the various links kind of
started overlapping). Another thing I noticed was that when I logged
out of my space the colorPallete came back on with previous mixed
colors (the default & tbTheme). When I logged back in the ColorPalette
was empty again and the page was all white.
In any case since by including tbTheme my welcome tiddler is
overridden by tbTheme and the MainMenu too, I have decided to let
themeing be put on hold for a while and use one of the automatically
generated colors for now.
But your theme is very good. My compliments.

On Sep 17, 8:59 am, Tobias Beer <beertob...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi  passingby,
> tbtheme is intended to work as an included space.
> It is not just a TiddlyWiki theme and therefore cannot be set via
> "backstage>tweaks>use theme"!
> The reason why it is not just a theme is because tiddlyspace does not
> just provide a TiddlyWiki. Some tiddlers are in the "theme package" so
> that you don't have to do anything other than including a given plugin
> from its space to make it work.
> One thing I should have mentioned in the instructions is that you MUST
> delete your own ColorPalette. Otherwise it wont turn black as your
> private version of the ColorPalette will override the public
> one! ...which is why I don't really fancy a private color palette
> being  automatically created once a space is created.
> I will add some more instructions in the Welcome tiddler.
> Please let me know if that helped and if there's anything left that is
> still confúsing or that you'd whish to be gone or simplified.
> Cheers, Tobias.

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