OK - this is partially helpful to my 'low-level' needs!  I definitely
want to keep the AMBIT name of the space.

(Re. keeping the AMBIT name: The idea is that we will keep the private
areas of this space for conversation in the AMBIT development group,
and for not-yet-finalised drafts of new material for the AMBIT
treatment manual (currently at Peermore), and the Public areas will
host the core draft of the AMBIT treatment manual.  Then for each new
service that starts to work along AMBIT lines, they will simply open
their own TiddlySpace, include the AMBIT space in their own space, and
add their own attunements to the AMBIT manual within their own space.)

If I performed the 'remove all plugins' version, as suggested by
Mario, i am not sure which plugins are 'mine' (from MPTW) and which
ones are from TiddlySpace.  In the TiddlyWeb at Peermore, if I deleted
all of them, then the core TiddlyWeb ones would merely take over from
the over-writes that I had added - is this the same in TiddlySpace?
i.e. is it OK to remove ALL the plugins, so that the core TiddlySpace
ones are thus 'revealed'?


On 20 Sep, 11:03, FND <f...@gmx.net> wrote:
> > Since we're at it, in what respect is...
> > store.removeTiddler a higher level method than store.getTiddler
> > (or store.getTiddler higher than store.fetchTiddler)
> The high-level getTiddler method uses low-level 
> fetchTiddler:http://trac.tiddlywiki.org/browser/Trunk/core/js/TiddlyWiki.js?rev=12...http://trac.tiddlywiki.org/browser/Trunk/core/js/TiddlyWiki.js?rev=12...
> Same for deleteTiddler/removeTiddler.
> > Why two implementations to begin with? How many more of these
> > "duplicates" are there? I think it were good if an article on
> > tiddlywiki.org explained this.
> It's not unusual to have multiple layers of abstraction. I think Mike
> covered some of 
> this:http://tiddlywiki.org/wiki/Dev:Introductionhttp://softwareas.com/tiddlywiki-internals-1-of-3-architectural-concepts
> (we might wanna move this conversation to [twdev])
> -- F.

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